Tuesday, May 23, 2006

Marvin and Season Finales

In which Marvin says good-bye to friends imaginary and real. That coupled with some of your recent comments has Marvin trusting God for a new season to begin..
this is an audio post - click to play


At 11:21 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Bob (Marvin, too). This is Jon in Iowa City. This might be simplistic on my part, but if you want to be a parent, be a parent.

There are parenting options out there for you, both as part of a couple or as single dads. Have you considered adopting a child through your state's foster care program? How about surrogacy? Or co-parenting with a single female friend?

I just don't want you guys to give up your dreams of being fathers while you're still young enough to make it work.


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